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Frequently asked questions
What does Marktlink Mergers & Acquisitions do?

Getting deals done.

Every day at Marktlink, we demonstrate that the business acquisition process is not only inspiring but also enjoyable. With a knack for innovation, we consistently discover creative solutions, no matter how challenging the task. Our approach is characterised by passion and uniqueness, ensuring that every deal is executed in a distinctive and enthusiastic manner. Above all, our unwavering commitment is to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

How does the application process work?

We will start off with an initial screening over the phone. One of our colleagues from talent acquisition will ask you some questions about your past work experience and motivation.  

For M&A professionals we then proceed with an M&A case. Here you will get the chance to show us your skills and present a fictional M&A case to two of our senior colleagues. If all is positive, we then proceed with the scheduling of a TMA assessment. This is a talent and motivational analysis. We will send over an assessment consisting of 312 questions. Our colleagues from HR will then run you through your results in a personal interview. 

The last round consists of an informal interview with the partner of your dedicated office. Afterwards we will offer you the position.

How can you develop and grow with Marktlink?

To develop and advance your career at Marktlink as an M&A Professional:

  1. On-the-job learning: You'll immerse yourself in the M&A profession from day one, actively participating in the entire dealmaking process. This hands-on approach ensures practical learning experiences.
  2. Training opportunities: Marktlink offers support through training courses organised by the Marktlink Academy. These courses supplement your on-the-job learning and help enhance your skills and knowledge.
  3. Career progression: Starting as a junior consultant, you'll work across various deal teams, gaining experience with diverse projects. Progressing to the role of consultant, you'll join a permanent deal team, contributing to ongoing transactions.
  4. Managerial role: With at least 10,000 hours of experience, you may advance to the position of manager. In this role, you'll not only lead your own deal team but also take on entrepreneurial responsibilities within Marktlink, including managing your own turnover and deals.
  5. Path to partnership: For those demonstrating exceptional potential, the path to partnership is available. Marktlink identifies and screens junior consultants for partnership potential, ensuring alignment with the company's growth objectives.
What is the Marktlink culture?

At Marktlink, our culture is entrepreneurial, open-minded, and creative. We value personal development and a always strive for a good balance between freedom and responsibility. 

Work-life balance is important, and we celebrate our successes enthusiastically and frequently ;)