
Henning Kürbis

'The decision to switch to Marktlink was driven by a desire for new challenges and opportunities'
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As a Managing Partner at Marktlink, the role transcends the ordinary in the financial sector. Guiding owners and investors through M&A transactions to foster business growth is a profound privilege, coupled with immense satisfaction. We interviewed Henning Kürbis, our Managing Partner in Hamburg, Germany, to talk about his career journey, aspirations, and insights into working at Marktlink.

With 39 years of finance sector expertise under my belt, I bring a wealth of experience from 16 years in corporate banking and 23 years specializing in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. The decision to join Marktlink stemmed from a deep-seated desire for fresh challenges and opportunities. Marktlink's innovative approach and dynamic reputation beckoned me, compelling me to step into the role of Managing Partner.

Connecting with New Surroundings

My introduction to Marktlink came through a perceptive headhunter who recognized the value of my skills and experience. As I delved deeper into the company, I was captivated by its vibrant energy and ambitious vision. The dedication and passion exhibited by the team resonated deeply with me, igniting my interest and propelling me towards the role of Managing Partner.

Marktlink's core values deeply resonate with my personal beliefs, especially in the domains of teamwork and appreciation. The spirit of collaboration and mutual respect within the organization seamlessly aligns with my own ethos, creating an environment conducive to unity, shared objectives, and excellence.

Navigating Challenges of New Beginnings

Establishing a new office presents a myriad of challenges, often stemming from external factors. Negotiating the complexities of the labor market and navigating legal intricacies pose formidable obstacles. However, Marktlink's unwavering support and guidance have been instrumental in overcoming these challenges, providing invaluable assistance in our journey.

Leading a team of dynamic consultants has been an immensely rewarding experience, offering opportunities to nurture talent and cultivate a thriving professional environment. Interacting with driven individuals who share Marktlink's vision underscores the significance of collaboration, continuous learning, and steadfast commitment. Effective mentorship, guidance, and empowerment emerge as catalysts for shaping the careers and future successes of talented professionals.

A Vision for the Future

As a Managing Partner, my aspirations are clear. Fostering expansion involves building a robust team and cultivating adept leaders for sustained support. By fostering a culture of excellence, nurturing talent, and forging robust partnerships, I aim to establish a network of thriving Marktlink offices contributing to collective growth and prosperity.

Community and Collaboration

Marktlink operates as a supportive community valuing each individual's contributions. The collaborative exchange and knowledge sharing foster an environment brimming with stimulation and innovation. As a Managing Partner, I have the privilege of leading, inspiring, and collaborating with exceptional professionals united by a common vision and ambition. The collective effort, coupled with unwavering support, paves the path for remarkable achievements and personal growth.

Our collaborative and dynamic endeavors have exceeded my expectations, with each step forward bringing us closer to our shared objectives. The camaraderie and support within the Marktlink community have enriched this experience, fueling my excitement for the future and the continued growth and success of Marktlink.