
Edurne Martens

'We accompany our clients from coffee to the champagne celebrations'
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During my Master's in Sustainable Finance at Maastricht University, I discovered my passion for Corporate Finance. Immersing myself in literature and learning opportunities, I gravitated towards mergers and acquisitions even before completing my program. Applying for a position at Marktlink felt like a natural progression, given the company's emphasis on both financial expertise and soft skills, which instantly resonated with me. Without hesitation, I applied for the Junior Consultant role, drawn to the company's culture and vision.

Empowering Growth through Training and Mentorship

Right from the start, Marktlink entrusted me with significant responsibilities. In my very first week, I found myself participating in meetings and becoming the go-to person for client inquiries. Comprehensive training sessions equipped me with essential skills to become a proficient dealmaker. These sessions proved invaluable during client interactions and in crafting compelling reports that emphasized commercial aspects. Colleagues offered unwavering support, and mentorship from experienced consultants facilitated a steep learning curve. The collaborative environment encouraged regular interactions, enhancing professional development.

An International Adventure

Thanks to Marktlink's bold entrepreneurial spirit, I embarked on an enriching International Assignment. Being able to channel my company knowledge into supporting the setup of the Munich office has been both enlightening and very rewarding. This experience has not only broadened my professional but also my personal horizons, and I can warmly recommend it to others.

Navigating and Embracing Diversity

While challenges persist in a predominantly male-dominated industry, I've witnessed a promising shift towards greater gender balance. Initiatives like Female x Finance are increasingly fostering gender diversity. There is still a long road to go but I am hopeful that this trend will continue to grow, attracting more women to this dynamic and rewarding field.

Celebrating Success and Charting Future Horizons

At Marktlink, every closing is a celebration of hard work and dedication. These milestones, often marked by a celebratory dinner, symbolize the culmination of months of collaboration and effort. They highlight Marktlink's pivotal role in guiding clients through transformative moments, showcasing our collective impact and commitment to excellence.

As I continue my journey with Marktlink, I look forward to new opportunities for personal and professional growth. My aspirations extend beyond individual success; I aim to grow into a managerial role where I can create a portfolio centered on SMEs that prioritize Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations. By leveraging my expertise, I intend to advocate for sustainable practices within the finance industry, driving positive change and promoting ESG integration.